"Go for a walk!"
Judy Green - volunteer Footpath Warden
Whatever the weather, you could copy Paddington Bear, don hat, coat and Wellington boots, and go out on an adventure!
In Woodbury, we have fantastic lanes, and footpaths – and streams for Pooh sticks!
Spring has sprung in a big way this year. Daffodils and Magnolia trees, flowers and blossom in the hedgerows. I wonder how many we can identify? The Victorian flower illustrator William Keble Martin could give us a clue - a copy of his book is in the church.
Can you spot any birds? Listen for their calls. I wonder how many you could recognise!?
Suggested Walks from Woodbury:
1. Walk to the Diggers Rest pub in Woodbury Salterton,
via the path by the allotments, Bonds Lane, Pile Hayes Farm,
and right into Woodbury Salterton. You could return via
the field path from Toby Lane, opposite Toby Cottage.
2. Access Woodbury Common via Cottles Lane, Castle Lane
and the foopath opposite Cottles Farm.
3. Walk to Exton via the path from the breaker's yard –
refreshments at The Puffing Billy pub.
Some leaflets describing these walks in greater detail can be
purchased from the Parish Office or Woodbury Post Office.
Judy Green and Tim Frampton are your local volunteer footpath
wardens. We endeavour to walk the paths several times in the year,
cutting back brambles and checking the signs.
We have a small annual grant which allows us to hire a contractor to
strim the most well-used paths in June or early July .
If you see anything amiss please contact us via the Paris Clerk.
Be Safe. Be Seen
Pick up Poo and Litter
Above All, Happy Ramblings
Footpaths have often been created by generations of ordinary people going about their business, and still for us today they provide a vital link to the land, albeit more usually for leisure.
Historically, in times before carriages and vehicles, footpaths connected farms, churches, schools and settlements: farm labourers may have walked many miles to work each day, and children may have walked long distances to school. For hundreds of years, the villagers of Woodbury Salterton, for example, regularly journeyed on foot to the church of St Swithuns in Woodbury, until Holy Trinity church was built in the nineteenth century. Many more paths appear on old Ordnance Survey maps than are currently in use today.
Such public rights of way were legalised by the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act of 1949. They were based on parish surveys by Parish Councils, and several rounds of public and landowner consultation produced a final Definitive Map. This record is kept under review by the County Council, and can be modified where evidence suggests that new or modified routes would fulfil a current need.