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Garden Insect Safari in lockdown, Woodbury Salterton

Susie Culhane
When the Covid 19 ‘lockdown’ commenced in March I realised that our lifestyles were going to change somewhat so I decided that I would try and locate as many different insects as I could within the confines of our garden, which includes the adjacent orchard to which I have access.
During the three and a half months, when people like us were advised to stay at home, we had superb weather with hours of sunshine, so insects were abundant. During that time I recorded 71 different species.

Quoted from Malcolm Randle's account of his garden insect safari, conducted between March and mid June 2020, in which an astonishing number of different insect species were photographed and identified.

Read the full report by clicking on the download button below.

Honeybee landing on Milk thistle
Honeybee landing on Milk thistle


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